Thursday, September 16, 2010

workworkwork. repeat.

this class is getting to be so much work i always seem to forget about these blogs but on top of the readings and the projects, does anyone else feel a little overwhelmed with the amount of work in conjunction with your other classes? maybe i am just taking too many classes but sometimes it is just a little daunting to stay on top of it all


  1. I definitely have the most work in this class than in my other classes this semester, and sometimes it can be difficult to remember the blogs. I've made sure to write down in my planner each day I'm supposed to update my blog or post comments because it's so easy to forget about them.

    While I think it's a lot of work, I don't think it's "busy work." I like that we have to bring in drafts, and then have workshops to improve upon our assignments. The readings can get a bit tedious at times, but I guess I'm just used to reading tons of stuff for my major (sociology) and minor (anthropology) courses.

  2. There's definitely a lot more things to do in this class than my others, since most of them are pretty much just tests and papers. I don't think that the work is particularly hard, but I'll admit it somehow always slips my mind to write my blog or blog comments until late the night before, as you can see by my writing this at 1130.
    I think that this instructions project will probably be the easiest of all we have to do this semester, but hopefully the others won't be too bad. I'm pretty sure that we will be working in groups, so maybe that will help take some of the load off.

  3. I agree that there is a lot of stuff to do for this class. Most of my classes have more long term assignments (like every 2 or 3 weeks) along with some tests. In here we have more structure and there is basically something due before every class period. Starting right now, I'm going to make sure I stay more on top of the blogs.

  4. I totally agree. I am constantly forgetting about the blog. I usually post late wed night or early thursday morning. i also have reflection papers due on thursday as well. I must admit that I usually do not forget to blog, but I have forgotten to comment. Also in class Dr. Barnett said something about we are suppose to comment on three blogs at a time?? I was never aware of this. I must be really behind on the blogging lol. All this time I thought I was doing the right thing.
