Thursday, September 30, 2010


Last class I went back and forth between understanding what our professor was saying and what the guy who sits on the left was saying. These "smart mobs" may not have a leader, as in a face that everyone turns to or the typical hierarchal structure like most organizations- but they do have a catalyst person. Without this person, there would be no buzz about what to do, where to go etc. People would not even know that there was something going on. I think that it is important to note that this catalyst person does not intend for whatever small event they are responsible for spurring to turn into a large event or to gain as much momentum as it does. It kind of reminds me of the movie Easy A - when the main character tells her best friend a lie and before she knows it, there is a rumor going around the whole school. The connection is pretty weak, but just the unintentional snowballing effect is similar. The leader might not be essential to a "smart mob" but a catalyst person is crucial, otherwise these mobs would never come into existence. Without the first person sending the "wear black" text message, nobody would have known to do anything. 


  1. I agree with you. There has to be an origin for the idea. The person starting the idea may or may not intend for the start of a movement, but if enough people like the idea then the idea will spread. People talk. Whether it is good or bad, the word will spread. The point being though is where does it start.

  2. I agree as well. There must be someone to initiate the action. How big or how many people constitutes a smart mob? Can there be two or more people who start up the riot or could two people be considered a smart mob by themselves? Regardless somebody has to begin the process.
